Being so far from family is by far the hardest thing about living where I do (although a lack of CiCi's Pizza and Sonic and many other fast food chains I have come to crave) come in a close second). In North Carolina, I had two sisters a couple hours away; now they are my nearest relatives, but at a 12 hour distance. Somehow I was able to bribe and beg (and possibly add a slight bit of guilt) both sisters to drive up for Thanksgiving. The good news for them is that after holiday traffic added an extra 3 to 4 hours to both their drives, the balance of guilt capital has decidedly switched back to them.
It was a wonderful, but too quickly over, few days. I enjoyed seeing my niece and nephews. Um, my sisters and their husbands weren't too bad either, but I couldn't hold and love on them nor smile at the things they say and do (at least not to their faces!). I intended to get copies of all the photos everyone took, but forgot so I will share the sparse ones I took.
Thanksgiving itself went wonderfully. My brother-in-law, Ken, spent Wednesday night making a pumpkin cheesecake that I accidentally dropped. Luckily it more imploded than splattered and still tasted wonderful (although it looked a little, well, dropped). That was the worst mishap of the day and for that I can be extra grateful!
So in the last week of preparation, company, and recovery I haven't had time for much else. Now that all I have left is Christmas, I'm sure to have lots of time to hang out online. Actually I do have a story about my husband's Black Friday experience, my Christmas decoration preparation (I wasn't kidding about going slightly crazy), a video of my family dancing, and other sundry things banging around the inside my head.