Today I literally woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Peter is out of town and in an act of insanity, or perhaps sheer exhaustion, when I fell into bed last night it was on his side. I woke to the alarm buzzing, and as I rolled out of bed to hit the snooze button, I hit the other half of the bed instead. Similar to attempting to climb one more step in the dark only to find you've reached the top, my stomach lurched as my preconception revolted.
I just hope my literal miscalculation does not translate into it's well known figurative counterpart.
Also, I keep my alarm on the dresser so that I must get out of bed to shut it off, and yet I always use the snooze button (more than once). One would think I would adjust the alarm to the actual time I get up.
I have no idea why I don't, even though I've realized the inconsistancy.
But this morning I only pressed snooze once. Well, technically twice, but the second time I remembered I planned on making my inaugural attempt at German Pancakes, so I got up anyway. My goal is to make sure the kids eat breakfast every morning and that it is something other than cereal or, sometimes, a slice of bread thrust into their hand as they are running to the bus stop. I don't mean something other than
that everyday, only half the days.
To do it everyday I would be forced to confront my 2-3 snooze habit more often. Baby steps.
The thing I have to remind myself about baby steps is that babies may take small steps towards their goal, and they may be quite wobbly, but they sure do take a lot of them, quickly, and get up when they fall. I think I misuse the term baby steps to mean "I'm too lazy/unmotivated to actually plan on achieving my goal."
But maybe not, as I have managed to make muffins and German pancakes this week and cereal has replaced bus-running-bread-thrusting breakfast the rest of the time (mostly).
The other thing I need to remind myself about baby steps is that I haven't seen
What About Bob in years and it might be on the movies-you're-a-loser-if-you-don't-show-your-children-before-they-grow-up list. I'm not sure about that, though, as I am a pop culture moron.
I have crossed Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters, Star Wars, and Sound of Music off that list, though. Baby steps.
Now I am off to finish prepping for preschool, as it is my turn to host. We are learning about the letter M so I bought M&M's and we're making M monsters. Later, I'm making a 3D elephant cake to celebrate Joseph's birthday early as Peter will be out of town
again next week. Oh, and I found out yesterday that today is only a half day at school, so the kids will be home around lunch. Maybe a trip to the library this afternoon is in order?
I should really try to not wake up on the wrong side of the bed anymore; it shorts out my randomness filter.