Saturday, September 29, 2007

Meet the Family

Want to meet my crazy family? Lets start with my co-founder. Peter is a former BYU football player, current director and chairman of Emergency Department of our local hospital. When he isn't working or obsessively going over his site's stats, he likes to golf, make things with wood, enjoy the beach, or clean. OK, I made up the cleaning part. Here are some of my favorite posts about living life with this man:

His sleeping ability

His job (serious like)

His job (funny like)

Our differing eating habits

My oldest is 13 years old, but has always been a bit of an old soul. She is finishing 7th grade and loves to read (especially fairy tale and fantasy), craft (likes to create her own ideas from recycled items), and have mood swings (self-explanatory).

I think she has been able to run the household as well as I could since she turned 5.

My 11 year old is as unique as they come. He taught himself to read at 3 and multiplication at 5. He devours sci-fi books and loves to play his classical piano pieces (over and over till everyone wants to scream!).

Just finishing 6th grade, he is getting uncomfortably close to teenage years. When not reading or on the computer he can be found creating fantastic creations with legos or K'nex.

My 9 year old is quiet but observant. He loves physical activity and can be found riding scooters or swimming in the ocean. His reading trends toward graphic novels, magazines, and non-fiction. He also loves to play games (he asks to play a board game about 100 times a day until someone relents and plays).
He is the child most likely to find me for a hug, give me a surprise kiss on the cheek, or leave a love note on my pillow.

My second (and last girl) can be described best as herself. She likes what she likes and isn't afraid to be different. She dressed eclectically with a style all her own. She loves to be a little mother and, at 7, is perfectly capable of watching the younger children (alas, I legally can't leave her alone with them yet). In fact, my youngest asks for her all day and she spends many nights reading bedtime stories to her little brothers.
She loves to color, paint her nails, and go for walks. She is always one to comfort anyone who is sad (including me) and is also highly likely to leave love notes on my pillow.
How do you describe my 5 year old? A tornado in a bottle? He is a funny kid. The king of trash talk, he is equally conversant in children's Noggin shows and tween's Cartoon Network. But his favorites might be Man Vs. Wild episode and Mythbusters. He is loving kindergarten this year. He was born independent and never lets you forget it. Ever.

Don't let those big blue eyes, blond hair, and shy smile fool you, my 3 year old is a tease. He is perfectly capable of joining the crazy play of 5 older siblings and can even take a few of them down.
It helps that he has the whole house wrapped around his little finger. He thinks telling you you are no longer his buddy is a suitable punishment for not getting his way. He also loves to be cuddled (and coddled) by everyone.