My lack of clean clothes did not bode well for Matthew's doctor appointment. (I ended up wearing a shirt so faded it's nearing its initiation into the "only wear why cleaning" pile and Matthew's underwear had an unraveling waistband.)
So sporting a slightly frumpy & frazzled look, we started the interview with the doctor. It went something like this:
"So this is Matthew's first time to visit us?""Is it?" I madly try to remember which of the kids I have or have not yet to bring to the doctors' office. It is difficult. When I had our last pediatrician release our records to this office, they didn't have charts on my two oldest- I hadn't brought them in the entire time I lived there. I figure, as quickly as I can, that 3 of my kids have been to this office, 3 have not.
"Yes, I guess you're right."Doctor, slightly confused about why I am confused then asks,
"So you just moved to the area?""Well, it's been almost 2 years now."Doctor, slightly flustered that this statement of my lack of medical care for my healthy child didn't fluster me,
"I see that he has had a couple of ear infections.""He has?" I knew I had brought him in for some sort of meet the doctor thing 6 months ago! That is the only way that could have been written in the file, because by now I have forgotten that I ever wrote ear infection down on his history. Then I realize that most mothers would remember this because they would have come in for the infection, whereas Peter took care of it for me so I'd forgotten. Besides, I am already failing this interview so I try to cover with,
"Oh, yeah. Ear infections. Yep."Doctor, in the hopes of frustrating me as much as I've frustrated her,
"So he is behind on his immunizations, he needs shots today.""Yeah, I know. These are the last set before his kindergarten shots, right?"Doctor, thinking I should be breaking down in tears from my lack of proper child care,
"No. He has to get a set of shots today and then more for kindergarten. You are BEHIND on shots.""I know I'm behind, this will catch him up. This is the LAST set BEFORE his kindergarten shots, right?"Doctor, begrudgingly admitting that I'm right and that I knew where Matthew stood with his immunizations,
Then came some exciting questions about his development:
Can he say his full name? "I have no idea, every time I ask he thinks it is a game of coming up with silly names." I ask him his name right there and it turns out he does know his full name. I politely not notice that the doctor seems disappointed.
Can he copy a circle and line? "I don't know."You mean he doesn't color at home?!? "Oh yeah, he colors. I've just never asked him to draw a circle. Oh, wait. He draws people with circles and two lines for the legs, so change my answer to yes he can."You didn't answer if he can ride a bike. "
Our tricycle broke 2 kids ago, so I'm not sure. He can scooter and ride this tractor thing (which unfortunately hasn't broken through all 6 kids),
but it doesn't have pedals. "Is he in a day school program? "Nope."At this the doctor's eyebrows raised and I thought I heard a suppressed tongue click. I felt bad, not about how I am raising Matthew, but that I wasn't going to explain to this lovely lady that I had 6 kids and I had learned to not sweat the small stuff. I'm pretty sure it would have hurt my case even more.
The worst part of the whole visit was when I found out Matthew thought getting the shots meant he was old enough to ride the bus to school with Joseph. Anyway, turns out he is a healthy, normal 3 year old, but I already knew that. Luckily these things only happen once a year (or at least are supposed to happen once a year). So that means I won't be going back for ... about a month, when I have the makeup appointment for the appointment I accidentally missed for Ryan. I am expecting it to be a lot of fun. As long as they don't ask me any questions expecting an actual, knowledgeable answer.
Maybe they'll just give up if we come in regular attire:

PS- Is the slogan "immunize by 2, it's up to you" or "immunize by 3, it's up to me"? Because I'm hoping its the latter.