I've written before about my
Graveyard of Mothering Theories where all unwanted
good ideas go after their short-lived and spectacularly failed lives. Ideas like
never feeding kids preservatives or letting them watch TV. Or the theory that I would never yell. Then there are the sundry ideas
guaranteed to make chores desirable, homework doable before due, or washing with soap standard.
Most of these theories are killed so thoroughly they sensibly stay buried in their graves.
But there is one idea that just won't die! No matter how often it's veracity is destroyed and it is sent
again to the Graveyard, it comes back in rotten, zombified form to try again.
Obviously it has already eaten away at my brain. Why else would I listen to it over and over and over again? After nearly FOURTEEN years of failure, I still think it will work
this time.
What is this zomberific, evil idea that refuses to die? If my kids stay up late the night before, they will sleep in the next morning. It never, ever works, and yet . . .
Every weekend, school holiday, or snow day as bedtime approaches, I think to myself, "I'll just let them stay up late now so they'll sleep in late tomorrow."
The problem is it makes sense! Logically, when one stays up late they'll want to, need to, try to sleep in the next morning.
The law of conservation of sleep. Of course, if logic mixed with kids they wouldn't whine when their mother is already irritable or try to wear sandals in knee-deep snow.
The worst part is that the kids are then grouchy the entire next day. And, since it isn't a school day, I'm the one stuck with them and their cantankerousness! I'm telling you this zombified mothering theory is downright
This is why last week, on a Monday without school, I could be found with 6 ornery children at the McDonald's playland.
(Thinking taking them out of the house would make them magically less grouchy- another theory that just won't die.) If I looked like I was ignoring my children please don't judge too harshly. I had, after all, just become a little more brain dead from attack of the undead parenting theories.
What about you? Have a great parenting idea that just won't die, no matter how often it is disproved?