Monday, November 3, 2008

We Found a Boat?

My kids are determined this came from some poor, shipwrecked boat
(even if it looks like a regular two by four).
Something interesting is always washing up in our backyard.


  1. That is the coolest 2x4 I have even seen. It is kinda creepy too. Wow I think I would like living on the beach.

  2. EEWW! Did you really touch that?? Or did your kids drag it up. I have a problem touching stuff like that....of course I have a problem touching dirty laundry and weeds so maybe it is just me. Cool find though!

  3. That is really creepy looking. It would be pretty cool if a body part washed up though!

  4. (In my most Spongebobby voice) Barnacles!

  5. that's very interesting. Someone might shell out some money for that. How long do you think it would take a 2X4 to get like that. I'd guess it's from the lost city of atlantis, or one of those Book of Mormon stories where the cities where sunk in the ocean. I'll bet I could come up with a story for it when we visit in December.
