So here goes:
1. I was born in a small Arkansas town that happened to have the 3rd WalMart ever built. We moved back when I was 12 and I would go there after school sometimes and buy Nestle's White Chocolate Crunch for 25 cents. I haven't had that candy bar for many, many years.
2. Until I was in my late 20's I used to be terrified someone would sneak into my house and hide in my closet until I was in bed. And then sneak out and kill me. I don't know why I was so scared, but whenever I accidentally left my door unlocked, I would search all my closets. I remember having this fear as young as 10. For some reason I stopped worrying about it when I lived in NC (maybe I had too many closets by then?).
3. On our honeymoon in Maui we bought a carved wooden statue. You can still find it on my shelf. It is a carving of the Hawaiian fertility god. Probably not the best choice . . .

4. I replaced my wedding ring last year. My first has always been a little tight, getting worse as the years went by (especially during the summer or pregnancy) and I rarely wore it. So I finally bought a new one- it is silver (instead of my original gold) and has 7 small diamonds embedded into it. I had thought of doing it for a long time, but decided after talking to my Aunt Gina (who assured me she was very happy she had done it) that I was going to do it. I wanted just a silver band, but Peter said I should at least look at diamonds and fell in love with this one.
5. I don't like Galileo. I think most of his problems with the church stemmed more from his method than ideas. Also, he did not invent the telescope and went out of his way to try to hurt careers of promising rivals- like Kepler. I was going to explain my theories on the removal of the feminine in science during the renaissance and its lasting implications today, but thought it might put too many people asleep. Plus it has been so long since I studied it, I probably don't remember the facts correctly.
6. I backtracked to see how long the picture of the rules had been used on this meme. 7 times back. But the tags go back further.
7. I was 3-4 classes from graduating with a degree in Physics Education not to be confused with physicAL education (even finished my student teaching). And all but 1 were general electives. I could have finished before my husband went to medical school, but my 2nd baby was due in the middle of the summer term and I was burned out. I had no desire to go back till a couple of years ago. When all my kids are in school, I am planning on finishing online, but probably in a whole new major.
Now, since I did two in a row, I will tag 7 people and let them choose whichever they'd like. Her goes: Brenda, Kim, Tami, Andrea, Jessica, Mary, LeAnn (mom). I apologize that half of them are private. I scared everyone into going private and then decided it wasn't that bad to be public.