Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Is soda good for your hair?
The funniest thing happend last week- We went to the Olive Garden for dinner. That is not the funny part. The waiter was refilling my soda and when he lifted up the glass, only the top came. The bottom of the glass stayed on the tray, and the ice cold soda landed square on Elise's head. The only thing funnier than the look on her face was the look on the waiter's! They were really nice, the manager dried off her coat and offered to run over to target to replace the pants that got wet (of course, we declined, but it was nice of them to offer). We did let them them comp her dinner, though. As the waiter said to her, "Dinner is on US, but the drinks are on YOU!" What an experience to remember!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Getting Ready for Christmas

Monday, December 3, 2007
Camara Lost!
I know I promised some pictures, but my camara is either really lost, or was stolen from my car (I suspect it was the latter). So sorry, no pictures for a while. Well, we have more stitches to report. All the kids were jumping onto a pile of pillows yesterday and Joseph jumped a little to hard and hit his head on a marble topped coffee table. Lets just say you could see some skull. Peter put in four stitches. Lots of fun!
Also, we made our first Christmas decorations (since all our stuff is in NC we are making everything this year). We bought $1 stockings and added chipboard letters and glitter glue. They turned out great. I would post a picture, but that is hard to do without a camara (in fact looking for it to take a picture of the stockings was how I found out it was missing). Counting my blessings, I had just uploaded all my photos so the only thing I lost was a picture of the kids starting at their new school (hence why the camara was in the car).
At first I was a little upset about not having any decorations, but blessed again, I think the kids may remember this year as one of the best because they are providing all the decorations themselves. We are getting the stuff to make gingerbread cookies for tree ornaments today.
Well, got to go- I smell a present Matthew just left for me. I'll try to get a diposable camara and scan some pictures in (unless one of the kids claims the huge ($3!) reward for finding the camara) Bye!
Also, we made our first Christmas decorations (since all our stuff is in NC we are making everything this year). We bought $1 stockings and added chipboard letters and glitter glue. They turned out great. I would post a picture, but that is hard to do without a camara (in fact looking for it to take a picture of the stockings was how I found out it was missing). Counting my blessings, I had just uploaded all my photos so the only thing I lost was a picture of the kids starting at their new school (hence why the camara was in the car).
At first I was a little upset about not having any decorations, but blessed again, I think the kids may remember this year as one of the best because they are providing all the decorations themselves. We are getting the stuff to make gingerbread cookies for tree ornaments today.
Well, got to go- I smell a present Matthew just left for me. I'll try to get a diposable camara and scan some pictures in (unless one of the kids claims the huge ($3!) reward for finding the camara) Bye!
Monday, November 26, 2007
We are Finally Online
It has taken us a week, but we are finally online in Connecticut! I will be emailing everyone my phone and address! I will send pictures of the new place ASAP (right now there is a long, grouchy line for the computer!)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Scared to the Bones!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Following Dad's Footsteps
As I was unloading groceries, I came out to find Matthew in the recycle bin. He was carrying around this huge 2 liter soda bottle and trying his hardest to get soda out of it. I guess he will grow up to be just like Dad!
Friday, October 12, 2007
When Dad is Away . . .

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Hello, my name is Charlotte and I really did have six children in 10 years. How did I manage to stay sane? I had 6 kids before I turned 30! Obviously, I've lost my mind.
I live in New England with my family. We moved here when my husband took a position as the director and chair of the local hospital's Emergency Department. We've been here 2 1/2 years and one day hope to adjust to the colder weather. While we wait for our home in North Carolina to sell (did you see the 2 + years part?) we are leasing a house. But don't feel bad for me, the house is directly on the ocean and my backyard butts against a private neighborhood beach.
I studied at BYU to be a physics teacher. Yes, I have way too much fondness for science and math. I'm a recovering geek who keeps falling off the wagon. Left school 3 or 4 classes from graduating (student teaching finished and everything). Also left with 2 children and a husband on his way to medical school. I am planning on going back and finishing when my smallest starts school (one more year!)
I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Currently I teach singing and learning songs in Children's Sunday School (Mormon translation: I'm the Primary Chorister). When I'm not blogging, I can be found Sudokuing, reading, enjoying the beach, and embracing the craziness that is my life. Judging from appearances, I also enjoy cleaning bathrooms, running after kids, memorizing Dr. Suess books, and telling children to shush at the library.
I live in New England with my family. We moved here when my husband took a position as the director and chair of the local hospital's Emergency Department. We've been here 2 1/2 years and one day hope to adjust to the colder weather. While we wait for our home in North Carolina to sell (did you see the 2 + years part?) we are leasing a house. But don't feel bad for me, the house is directly on the ocean and my backyard butts against a private neighborhood beach.
I studied at BYU to be a physics teacher. Yes, I have way too much fondness for science and math. I'm a recovering geek who keeps falling off the wagon. Left school 3 or 4 classes from graduating (student teaching finished and everything). Also left with 2 children and a husband on his way to medical school. I am planning on going back and finishing when my smallest starts school (one more year!)
I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Currently I teach singing and learning songs in Children's Sunday School (Mormon translation: I'm the Primary Chorister). When I'm not blogging, I can be found Sudokuing, reading, enjoying the beach, and embracing the craziness that is my life. Judging from appearances, I also enjoy cleaning bathrooms, running after kids, memorizing Dr. Suess books, and telling children to shush at the library.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Some of my favorite posts:
*Updated 3/26/10 - I've recently realized this list is out of date- expect new links soon!!*
Being a Mother ...
Being a Mother ...
... of Lots of Kids:
Being a Wife:
Being Me:
Meet the Family

His sleeping ability
His job (serious like)
His job (funny like)
Our differing eating habits

I think she has been able to run the household as well as I could since she turned 5.

My 11 year old is as unique as they come. He taught himself to read at 3 and multiplication at 5. He devours sci-fi books and loves to play his classical piano pieces (over and over till everyone wants to scream!).
Just finishing 6th grade, he is getting uncomfortably close to teenage years. When not reading or on the computer he can be found creating fantastic creations with legos or K'nex.

He is the child most likely to find me for a hug, give me a surprise kiss on the cheek, or leave a love note on my pillow.

My second (and last girl) can be described best as herself. She likes what she likes and isn't afraid to be different. She dressed eclectically with a style all her own. She loves to be a little mother and, at 7, is perfectly capable of watching the younger children (alas, I legally can't leave her alone with them yet). In fact, my youngest asks for her all day and she spends many nights reading bedtime stories to her little brothers.
She loves to color, paint her nails, and go for walks. She is always one to comfort anyone who is sad (including me) and is also highly likely to leave love notes on my pillow.

Don't let those big blue eyes, blond hair, and shy smile fool you, my 3 year old is a tease. He is perfectly capable of joining the crazy play of 5 older siblings and can even take a few of them down.
It helps that he has the whole house wrapped around his little finger. He thinks telling you you are no longer his buddy is a suitable punishment for not getting his way. He also loves to be cuddled (and coddled) by everyone.
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